Tuesday, February 28, 2012

san jose merc news: how hacker group Anonymous attacked the vatican and others

feb 27th, 2012 CE

“Anonymous is a handful of geniuses surrounded by a legion of idiots.”

– Cole Stryker, an author who has researched the Anonymous hacker movement, as quoted by the New York Times. Stryker went on: “You have four or five guys who really know what they’re doing . . . and then thousands of people spreading the word.” The Times article detailed a cyber-attack by Anonymous, which has lashed out with attacks on a number of companies and government agencies over the past year, on the Vatican web site last August. The article, drawing upon reports from Redwood City online security company Imperva, describes Operation Pharisee, an unsuccessful denial-of-service attack organized in Latin America intended to protest the Catholic Church’s ongoing child sexual abuse scandal. The Imperva report, which will be released at anInternet security conference in San Francisco this week, provides a rare look at Anonymous’ strategy, from planning to execution.

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