Thursday, January 27, 2011

Egyptians Protest Against Mubarak Govt

Massive protests are occurring in Egypt, with large numbers of people taking to streets to call for the ouster of the ruling Mubarak regime:

The US is curiously taking a slightly different line this time as compared to the past, calling for more political reform in Egypt.

It's clearly in the best interests of the Egyptian people and the region that the Mubarak govt go. Sure, the Israelis might be nervous about it, but in the long run they would benefit from the removal of a dictatorship which only motivates local fundamentalist groups to form against it.

Given recent sightings of Rahul-baba in the company of fellow crown prince Gamal Mubarak, I think the fewer despots that remain for Rahul to draw inspiration from the better.

Pak too gains a lot of mileage from the Arab dictatorships located in the Gulf and elsewhere. As we can see, it's not just been Egypt suffering protests in the aftermath of the collapse of Tunisia's strongman, but various other Gulf states including Jordan and others. Without Egypt nearby to support it, the handwriting would be on the wall for the Saudis. If the Middle Eastern dictatorships disappear, then Pakistan would have almost nobody left to lean on, apart from China. They would effectively be isolated.

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