Friday, July 30, 2010

WikiLeaks Gives ISI Great Gift

ISI boys must be literally grinning ear-to-ear over the treasure trove of information gifted to them by WikiLeaks. They must be drooling in anticipation of all the blood they'll soon drink. Just imagine how many anti-Pakistani Afghans will now mysteriously turn up murdered, because WikiLeaks never bothered to protect the names/locations of people listed in the documents they've exposed:


Pagan said...

Another Liberal sides with Jihad folk:

Miliband calls Cameron 'loudmouth' for Pakistan comment

Unknown said...

This is really wrong strategy for "Shadow Warrior" - to play in to the liberal hands. Obviously liberal channels like ABC would show Wikieleaks in a poor light. Liberals are upset that the great liberal promised land - Pakistan - has been shown as a dangerous back stabber. Also, Wikieleaks has shown the messiah is nothing but a second fiddler to the Pakistanis - prepared to sacrifice Afghan women to Taliban/Pakistan. So, they will cook up all these nonsense against Wikieleaks. I doubt ABC or MSNBC or Brezinski the windbag would have been so upset if some such "leak" had embarrassed George W Bush.

Unknown said...

Yes , agree @Inferno - Miliband knows a Mirpuri votebank when he sees one. It would be interesting to know what Miliband's tour guide in India ( Rahul G) thinks of these..