Sunday, July 04, 2010

racism or turf-protection?

jul 3rd, 2010

i don't recall john howard being that racist -- certainly not compared to his successor kevin "manchurian" rudd or maverick parliamentarian pauline hanson. 

on the one hand, why should retired white politicians expect to get cushy sinecures? it's like tony blair and bill clinton peddling their rolodexes.  

not that i give a flying you-know-what about cricket (although i should; lots of people are minting money out of it). but i get the feeling it's not about racism, but if this is an instance of indians flexing their muscle and pointing out that cricket is owned by them, that is a good example of aggression by indians. i'm all for it. money talks. 

1 comment:

karyakarta92 said...

Wasn't this the same convict who, in circa 1998, i.e. in the aftermath of Indian nuclear testing, described it as "an outrageous act of nuclear bastardy?"