Wednesday, June 30, 2010

stratfor on afghan reality as per us admin -- exit and get cannon fodder to die for them

jun 29th, 2010

stratfor says US looking for 'locals' to hand over to and run from afghan. surely UPA will offer indians to die for US

1 comment:

san said...

Personally, I think that the best strategy for the US to win in Afghanistan is for it to re-draw the borders, to create North Afghanistan and South Afghanistan. A purely Pathan South Afghanistan would then automatically try to reunify with Pakistan's NWFP to create Pashtunistan. This would even set the stage for Baluchistan's secession from Pakistan. Suddenly the US would have a new land corridor into Central Asia, which would no longer be so uniquely inaccessible.

The partitioning of Afghanistan is well within the USA's current capability.