Saturday, February 13, 2010

valentine, with love from pakistan: pune blast

feb 13th, 2010

so it's the blast season again in india. so appropriate for valentine's day!

let's see, does the ISI want peace-talks or what? is this subtle 'encouragement' to get india to the negotiating table? or is it general kayani saying he doesn't want any talks?

interesting, the yanks start surging and attacking taliban positions, immediately there is a bomb attack in india. so it 'proves' the american thesis that afghanistan and pakistan and india are connected. QED.

didn't chidambaram say something about "next time there is a terror attack, we'll, we'll, we'll... we'll do something!"?

ok, there has been a terror attack. and the something is?

what LET/JuD guy said in blood-curdliing anti-india rally was 'delhi, kanpur, pune'. so one can predict blasts in delhi and kanpur next.

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