Wednesday, February 24, 2010

kashmiri youth held for magical, exploding 'artefact'

predictable carpet sellers held or the bombings in Pune. they sure sell a lot of these magically exploding carpets (also called 'artefacts') these innocent Kashmiri youth. they are normal carpets that combust - and explode - all on their own, when placed in close proximity to some Hindus

incidentally Praveen Swami went with the pavlovian relex of - you guessed it - Hindu terrorism. Swami is usually good at investigating intelligence & terror matters. sad

1 comment:

Pagan said...

Here is a business idea worth venturing:

Recruit a few thousand trained Gorkhas from India and Nepal and get NATO to outsource part of the war. They are mighty capable of fending off Taliban and securing supply routes.