Friday, November 27, 2009

are scientists involved in a climate cover-up, or is it groupthink, or just plain business as usual?

nov 26th, 2009

the huge fuss about 'climategate' -- where leaked emails from global-warming-by-human-endeavor partisans seemed to indicate malfeasance on their part -- is not entirely above-board.

for once, i tend to agree with the 'atlanticist' -- too much is being made of this. there is virtually no doubt that human activity is making the planet warmer. 


non-carborundum said...

Carbon is making the planet warmer...maybe...but reducing carbon is not the only way to make it cooler.

The environmentalist lobby got completely pissed off at even the suggestion of using geoengineering. It shows they don't have much of a scientific temperament. And many of them are arts graduates / JNU types.

Arvind said...

There are two points you need to note: first, there is no data to support Global Warming since some places are colder and some warmer and the hottest year we have on record is 1934 (not 1998).

The second point you need to note is that even if you observe glaciers melting, you have to establish that the temperature change is GLOBAL and not LOCAL and then you have to establish a cause and effect relationship between that and also between human activity and the temperature change.

Remember the Ice Age scare in the 1970s? What happened to that?

Finally, you cannot say that the scientists are wrong since they fabricated their data, but Global Warming is still right. The supporters of GW have to tell the world which scientists are right.

Al Gore's business model seems neat: rig up a scare scenario, create something called carbon trading and hoard them up, pass laws to force businesses to buy them at inflated prices! If he really believed in Global Warming, he wouldn't be using a private jet plane. I've been going through the emails and this is a massive fraud cooked up by the left.