Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hillary’s hideous vanity

this lady is a complete ignoramus

Of course – it is very easy to send a “message” when you are behind the protective cocoon of the best security service in the world. Why doesn’t she ride on the Mumbai locals?

Oh I forgot – that would not do. The trains are crowded and dirty. They are full of these native wogs. They get on Hillary’s nerve these people – with their oiled heads and exotic dabba walla boxes.

You have to hand it to Hillary – she is obnoxious even when appearing to be friendly.


kp11 said...

Not only Hillary, they even get on each others' nerves. Quite a few people fight among themselves when a wave of 'push' comes, I think some have fallen off the train too. I remember a hilarious remark someone made to the other during such a tiff, he said,'why will I cling to you, are you studded with diamonds?'I wanted to ROTFL, but there was barely place to stand

AGworld said...

You forgot the "foul odour" the natives emit because they use asafoetida ("hing") in their food.

Does not matter if asafoetida has medicinal properties. Maybe there is an american patent coming.

Unknown said...

GW: with due respect, the mess that we are in is not their problem. Atleast she's made a token gesture, unlike our leaders.
Our problem is that we expect others to clean our cesspool for us. That will never happen, all they will do is stir up the pot a bit more. As you rightly say, she's protected by the best security force in the world. Hopefully a time will come when we can give similar security not just to our leaders but to the common man on the street. till then, we will have to get used to seeing such platitudes.