Tuesday, April 28, 2009

London Telegraph: Ze Evil Hindoo Nazis

For those of you who unfortunately aren't in the know, ze Evil Hindoo Nazis are planning to cross ze Rhine very soon. Zis will occur after the Boys from Bombay finish cloning the Fuhrer. Do not leak ze invasion plans, or else ze anglo untermenschen swine may try to stop our Aryan invasion. Shh!

Oh, here's a little info on Friar José Kuruvachira, the latest "sekoolar" scholar trying to keep the world safe from ze Hindoo fascists. Could the sectarian conflict in Nagaland possibly be influencing his views?

1 comment:

Uddharet said...

Look at the name "Dr. Jose Kuruvachira": another one of those creatures crawling out of the land retrieved by Parashurama and spreading and infesting entire Bharatam. We have already seen the evil these persons have been doing in Orissa.