Friday, October 31, 2008

ok, that settles it: atlanticist endorses obama

oct 30th, 2008

if i had any residual, lingering thoughts that obama was a good candidate, this settles it. since the atlanticist has endorsed him, i now know that i have no need to change my mind. if they like him, then clearly he's the wrong candidate.

go, mccain!


san said...

Unlike past Democrat election-winners who benefited from Republican fiscal austerity,
Obama will walk into a tremendous financial maelstrom left to him by Bush. This will impede him from pursuing the populist politics that fellow Democrats have traditionally pursued to bribe their vote banks. We may even see a period of tremendous social upheaval in America.

truti said...

San and Nizhal for your own sake I hope Obama destroys whatever little of the vile, racist, demagogic, fundamentalist, and ahistorical foundations of American Reactionari'sim also known as the post-eisenhower and robber baron age Republican Party, and drains the swamp of all hte fetid accumulations left behind of the Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 administrations. With that should go all the deceit, hypocrisy, religious fundamentalism, reactionary judicial rulings etc. I hope this is as comprehensive as the New Deal wrought by FDR that brought US into the modern era of dignity of labour, Keynesian realistic economics, and enlightened governmental regulation.

You are supporting a ticket where one candidate dubs a planetarium projector a wasteful "overhead prohjector", and the VP candidate claims that the "Flintstones" is a documentary, practices witch hunting, and knows absolutely nothing about anything, not even where her daughter is at a given moment. Looks like you and your friends have jumped the shark! If Chanakya were an American today, he would endorse Obama. Thankfully, Nizhal, you live in California, and so your vote for McShame and McFashionDiva isn't going to make a darn difference. And even if Obama loses, things will become so bad under the GOP administration that in four years' time the Dems may sweep all 50 states and it may well lead to the extinction of the Republican Party as we know it, just as Lincoln heralded the end of the Whigs in 1860.

Nizhal, your rants on this blog don't tell me as much about the world (for which I must say I have better sources) but increasingly a lot about you. Your descent into absolute irrationality, and now incoherence, during this 2 year long Presidential campaign driven by your puzzling aversion to Obama (for which the most reasonable explanation is the Harvard-Stanford rivalry) marks a disappointing phase of your public persona.

If nothing else at least for your fellow-contributors' sake please return to reasoned and informed discourse. SAN seems to have no idea of what the times of the Depression were like, when there were shanty-towns all over the country - dubbed Hoovervilles. Although the memories of that grim time are gone, because the people are no more, there is enough documented to dispel all the lies about FDR - who is beyond doubt the most significant US leader after Lincoln.


nizhal yoddha said...

truti, touching that you want obama to win for san's and my sake.

what is a little alarming is that you have turned into joseph mccarthy (look up mcccarthyism if the name is not familiar).

you must have been a communist when in india.

socal said...


What have read about the deal except for the propagandist encomiums in the media? The New Deal policies prolonged the depression for a good full decade. If you actually read the record of policy changes for the first FDR administration who can easily see that what is now being hailed as New Deal was nothing but a prescription for chaos that fueled the recession. And please spare me the Keynesian BS. With the deficits as large as it is the govt. spending that Obama administration will unleash is hardly going to solve the coming stagnation. Have fun with the coming era of "income redistribution."

Harish said...


Perhaps it would be very instructive to read up on the Austrian school of economics ( to understand how the actors like the Fed, the banks caused and later the 'new deal' prolonged the great depression.

On a personal note, I see you went on arguments with Rajeev on Obama, but you really have not been able to argue on the facts. Personal attacks are not really cool!The 'inspirational' part of Obama seriously seems to have gotten on to you, though its no suprise as Republicans have mesed it up big time, that even Obama looks like a viable candidate!!!

nizhal yoddha said...

i'm afraid poor truti, just like his idol obama, is a little short on facts and a little long on rhetoric. he confessed before that he doesn't believe in logic or reason, only in, as he put it, 'evidence', which i take to mean 'propaganda'. as i said before, obama has no verbs, only nouns and adjectives.

obama has voted lunatic-fringe leftie most of his career in politics, so we can expect some serious protectionism, unions running rampant, income redistribution, etc. in other words, he will make america like... kerala and west bengal! oh, joy.

incidentally, right on cue, the atlanticist has published a rave review of FDR, calling him the savior of not only america but also the world.

yeah, right.

these democrats do enjoy good press, don't they?

now i am confused. is obama the reincarnation of john kennedy, or of FDR? or both? or is he just basically god, YHWH himself, reincarnated?

Unknown said...

interesting comments as well.