Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Here Comes Anti-Globalization Lobby

The anti-globalization lobby is attempting to quickly spin the current economic crisis as a sign that globalization is unraveling. Considering that globalization has strongly helped India's turnaround, I don't think we should let them have the last word. After all, US deficit spending is not some novelty of the past 10 years. Actually, it was the Atlanticist-leaning Woodrow Wilson who created the US Federal reserve, to help finance his foreign/military adventurist policies in Europe, which played no small part in causing WW1 and later WW2. It has been the Fed's ability to unreservedly create dollars out of thin air, which has enabled US profligacy.

1 comment:

san said...

Btw, Krugman is one of these anti-globalization critics, so we should be increasingly wary of him. To me, it smacks of scapegoating.