Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Spontaneous Combustion Engine - Bannerjee

Now watch for fiery editorials by the English press in India - all rejecting the Nanavati report. The same way they rejected the Wadhwa commission report on Graham Satines' murder. Can you imagine how ridiculous these people are? Remember how they railed against Modi - forever shouting only abuses; especially that "sudden removal" Karan Thapar - wonder where he is now

Of course - the idiot Bannerjee still claims that his theory of Spontaneous Combustion is the right one - sigh!


witan said...

If UC Banerjee had been asked to inquire, would he have "found" that MK Ganghi, Indira, and Rajiv died in accidents?

And Mahesh Chand Sharma did likewise.

[Please note that I have kept Sharma's name separated from the other three: because I want to show my respect for him.]

It was absolutely sickening to hear the presenters in English
TV news channels referring to the Banerjee panel as a "Commission". Actually, it was a "committee" appointed by lallu prasad. Moreover, banerjee committee was declared ILLEGAL by the Gujarat High Court. The HC's decision stands, as it has not even been challenged. In this situation, the Banerjee report has no legal existence, because it was the outcome of an illegality. In other words, Banerjee report is GARBAGE. Now, Banerjee and his masters are committing another illegality by digging out the putrified garbage stuff and pretending it smells very nice.

witan said...

In my earlier post, please read: Mohan Chand Sharma
instead of Mahesh Chand Sharma.
Sorry for the mistake.

Prateek said...

The so called prejudiced HR NGOs have gotten SC to send a notice to Modi and stay from using the commission report. SOB.