Sunday, November 25, 2007

Lost Temples of India

nov 22nd, 2007

i only saw this segment (number 6).

although these temples are not exactly 'lost', the fact that mohammedan and christist art (and everything else about them) are pretty much identical is well brought out.

also calling raja raja chola 'the greatest hindu king' is slightly wrong. he was a) an emperor, b) the greatest hindu emperor could well have been krishnadeva raya or chandragupta.

it is also tragic that it is this millennia-old tradition and the brahmins who uphold them that are being attacked so mercilessly by the christists and their pit-bulls the 'dravidian' jerks. and they are succeeding in giving tamil brahmins a guilt complex (about caste and casteism and untouchability) and making a lot of them 'secular progressives'. whereas it is the christists and the 'dravidian' stealth-christists who are the world's worst villains and murderers and rogues. pot calling kettle black: christists invented apartheid and slavery, and the people who are oppressing harijans in tamil nadu are the 'dravidians' !

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