Sunday, July 01, 2007

Rage Boy is All the Rage!

That Kashmiri activist who has become the face of Islamic protest for the press corps is now evolving into some kind of new internet cult fad phenom. At this rate, I think he'll have to hire an agent, and put himself on the talkshow circuit. Maybe he can land some product endorsement contracts, or something.

Remember -- All Your Rage Are Belong to Us!


san said...

In Germany, Rage Boy is hotter than David Hasselhoff:

I hear he's also big in Japan ;)

san said...

He's also now started an advice column, called Ask Islamic Rage Boy:

If you wish to contribute to the Azadi cause, you may buy Islamic Rage Boy T-Shirts, Coffe Mugs, and other kafir capitalist imperialist merchandise here:

Remember, shipping is free, except to kufr dar-ul-harb countries.

Uddharet said...

Remember the so-called "Face of the [Gujarat] Riots,", that was splashed across the national and international media for several years? The "face", to quote Kalpana Jain, was that of “one tailor, Qutubuddin Ansari, ... immortalised as a cameraman took a picture of him standing with folded hands, tears in his eyes, pleading for mercy. The bloodthirsty mob supposedly threatening him is never shown in any picture of this incident, though it is inconceivable that a cameraman would shoot any a single frame of such a poignant event."

Conceptually, the "face of [Gujarat] riots" was no different from the “Rage Boy”.