Thursday, December 07, 2006

venture capital in india

dec 07, 2006

looks like silicon valley is waking up to india's potential.

but i think the time for valley-type VC-funded firms has not yet arrived in india because people are too unwilling to take risks of that kind. also, there needs to be smaller amounts of VC money available, not in the $millions. that's too much for an indian startup.

the people that i talk to who have shown interest in entrepreneurship typically go in for services because it's easier and also because that way they can bootstrap without external money.

does anybody know good product companies in the electronics/automobile electronics, real-time systems areas? i know people who are looking to fund indian companies in those areas and can do some introductions.


Girish Gangadharan said...

Rajeev, my name is Girish and i have a neat idea that does not quite fall under electronics/automobile electronics, real-time systems areas, but will nevertheless play a very important role in the online Indian community.

My email address is girish {@] girishg(.) com

Email address jumbled to avoid spammers. Please remove the closing characters after and before the @ and dot symbols including spaces.

Please email me if you'd like to chat with me about it.


EkSh00nyaSh00nya said...

Its a bit-off are the links to two articles by an American Radio show host Dennis Prager on the announcement of newly elected Congressman from Minnesotta, Keith Ellison, taking oath to the office on Quran.

America, Not Keith Ellison, decides what book a congressman takes his oath on,_not_keith_ellison,_decides_what_book_a_congressman_takes_his_oath_on

A response to my many critics - and a solution

Nik said...

One of my friends runs a startup that is into Real time systems. It is a Singapore based company. He has done projects for Reliance energy. At present he is in India. I can speak to him when he returns in a couple of weeks. My e mail address is niketanrao (@) yahoo (.)com.
Using the same technique to avoid spammers