Tuesday, December 06, 2005

solar energy: desi guy does good work

dec 5th

this gent, dr. subhendu guha, just won a major prize.

his work and his company's work on photovoltaics sounds promising.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank You Rajeev.

Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling! But certain doubts remain.

His research is on electricity to run appliances,right? Oil is completely a part of life and oil is running out.The problem of transportation is the worst of all.The amount of oil conserved by solar power is infinitesimally small and
does not even make a dent to the global usage of oil.

To run on biofuel,it was said,the entire continent of Africa,would have to be planted down to each square inch
with biofuels,just to equal current oil usage!

Every ecosyatem has a maximum limit; when exceeded,it will coast along,without any sign of impending doom for a while,then..population will crash.In case of animals by starvation and predation.In case of humans by war, fighting over resources and predation indirectly by competition. People are in denial,but rules of biology never change. Famine and genocide are caused by humans on humans.

Solar power certainly is very ideal and many are doing it save fuel costs for themselves.Nevertheless,it is like
taking out a drop of water from the flush tank and saying "I am conserving water".

Our entire lifestyle needs to be changed.The more we abstain,the more we gain.Population is speeding towards huge decimation,I feel.