Friday, December 16, 2005

australia: 'religion of love', meet 'religion of peace'

dec 15th

violent riots in australia now, after the french experience.

anglos against arabs. (not whites against arabs, as arabs are whites too).

in france it was moroccan arabs, in australia it's lebanese arabs. (actually they must be lebanese mohammedans. the lebanese christists i know take pains to explain they are not arabs, but phoenicians. whatever.)

my forecast is that londonistan will see serious riots next. just call it a hunch. of course the anglos will start massacring arabs, and justify it all in high-falutin' terms about democracy and truth and beauty and motherhood and apple pie. there will be no calls to try blair for crimes against humanity, this much i can guarantee. they'll all be very sympathetic.,,3-1930708,00.html


siva said...

hi tarkika,

just checked your link and it is working now. just wanted to let u know.

nizhal yoddha said...

kapidhwaja, i think we have a point of disagreement. i find that many arabs are indistinguishable from southern europeans like spaniards or italians or other mediterranean people. granted, the stereotype of 'arab' is 'brown person', but they are not very brown on average. similarly, afghans are on average quite white -- remember the natn'l geo cover story of the girl with startling green eyes -- but people think they are brown.

similarly, persians (who will emphasiz that they are not arabs) are quite white too.

also, thanks for the link about matherani. the idea of the story is to show that he is not reliable vis a vis volcker, but what it really shows is the kind of person who does well in the congress.